Here's an Australian cult, based in Queensland, run by this man AJ Miller. Believes he is the second coming of Jesus; his followers thoroughly convinced they were the same people there at the time of his crucifixion. He works on people's emotions, helping them to pull apart their own psyches, thread by thread, and totally trust him as the saviour, thus, of their souls, since he stands by, smiles, and guides their complete submission to their most painful cores. He uses very nice demonstrative diagrams, makes assumptions about people's mental states and life situations to prompt them to plomb the depths further. He makes no apologies and stands firm that he IS Jesus. Note: his parents wanted to commit him to a psychiatric ward when he was younger, and he got rejected from the Jehovah's Witnesses. THE JEHOVAH'S FREAKING WITNESSES REJECTED THIS GUY.
I will make no apologies; these particular methods of cult brainwashing and servitude sicken me most especially because of the likeness they have to the methods of the group I grew up with. If you want to know more, please inbox me. This group, the Neocatechumenal Way, disguise heavy handed psychological dependency developing tactics, and methods of identity breakdown, as love-based, God-guided and community-supportive religious psychotherapy. I was called a monster in front of the community, regarding my judgmental personality; brought to many episodes of sobbing and absolute despair in my teenage and younger adult years, that I am a hopeless human being. That I needed the forgiveness of people who had been abusive. That I needed salvation, but I could never in my wildest dreams attain it. That I was a sinner, and Christ's death had saved me from that punishment, but I may as well have got over it- my suffering would never cease, because THE DEVIL had me in his grasp. No one was spared of despair in that setting; the idea of the community being the true saviour, Kiko being the true leader standing beside Jesus.
Shame to all those who have perpetrated this high-level bullying and psychological abuse.