Sunday, August 9, 2015

When cray-cray Christians get 'demonic possession' all wrong

This is one of the most bizarre mash-ups I've seen on the internet. Clearly a new age cult-like group inducing followers to vulnerable mind-states through intense group activity, complete unleashing of emotions and inhibitions etc. Leaves people very open to brainwashing in the post-active state.

A man called Alan Miller in Queensland, Australia, is presently employing similar techniques to acquire ever more followers, as they get understandably seduced by a man who seems to cure them of their emotional and psychological pains by forcing said emotions out in a public setting, and validating their pain while instructing them how to go about their lives.

In ACTUAL yoga, the practice is entirely within oneself, calm and orderly, stretching all the muscles one can in a safe and progressive manner, and getting into a 'flow' state which oneself also dictates 'within'. The following 'calm' session is again only about looking inwards and observing- a mild meditation. If you're ever being preached to or coerced in this part- you know you're getting involved in a cult. Back away, back very far away.

Anyway, good source for video stills and portraits. Brilliant.

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